our friend john

I've never not liked John Mayer. When the viral news of him spread across the A&M campus, his name was usually followed by "he sounds just like Dave Matthews." Those who knew me back then would probably use the term "obsessed" when talking about me and Dave, and I wouldn't deny it. While John did resemble him, it was nothing worth saying to sell a new, talented artist. My appreciation for Mr Mayer didn't really come until the Continuum Album. I had the first album on my iPod and liked the other radio hits, but I really wasn't a John Mayer fan. You may be surprised to hear me say it, but I think he's better than Dave when it comes to evolving as an artist. Dave still rocks out like he's in his 20's, but as he experiments with new stuff in the studio, it makes me think he peaked a while back. John's last album was a display of his talent in the blues genre, and showed that he can melt your heart with "Slow Dancing in a Burning Room". This new found appreciation led me to listen to his original "Room for Squares". On top of musical talent he shows, I was blown away by the poetic lyrics by someone of that age. When I dissected the lyrics of "My Stupid Mouth" and "3x5", I had to stop what I was doing and take in the raw reality of his message. Maybe I just relate too well, being someone that's put my foot in my mouth, and likes to take a lot of pictures. 3x5 reminded me of Italy. I snapped hundreds of pictures. After I got a few shots of the Sistine Chapel, I just did a slow revolution and took it all in. It's just nice to put the camera away and soak it in. I look forward to sharing the experience, telling someone they'll be there next time I see the sun rise over the Cinque Terre hills. John Mayer might be a little cocky, but the dude backs it up. If you're ever bored, just search "john mayer" on youtube and enjoy his creative humor. Or check out his blog - http://www.johnmayer.com/Blog. Still not sure about the tats, but to each his own.
TODAY skies are painted colors of a cowboy cliche'
And its strange how clouds that look like mountains in the sky
are next to mountains anyway
Didn't have a camera by my side this time
Hoping I would see the world through both my eyes
Maybe I will tell you all about it when I'm
in the mood to lose my way
but let me say
You should have seen that sunrise with your own eyes
it brought me back to life
You'll be with me next time I go outside
NO more 3x5's
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