Monday, March 19, 2007

Life's a journey, not a destination

in true backpacking form, i didnt bring any books to read for pleasure. i did bring rick steves book on italy, and its been very helpful. one of the interesting things i've learned is that the michaelangelo's david is a strong representation of how men began to appreciate life rather than just waiting around for the afterlife. they finally realized life on earth can be enjoyed.

thats certainly been true of my time in cinque terre. i arrived here from milan and spent the day in the first city, montorosso - it was awesome. the next morning i hiked along the italian riviera with the most breathtaking views ever. it was a beautiful day, and each hill brought better scenery. i wish i could add pictures to this blog, but i'll add them to facebook later. this amazing area only get attention from young people and europeans trying to get away from the hyped spanish and french coasts. if you make it to italy, cinque terre (5 land) is a must!

tomorrow i go to florence for at least 6 days!


Blogger will said...

Dude, "true backpacking form" would leave those guidebooks behind.
I'm telling you: the word on the street is the traveler's gospel. Cool people will lead you to cool places, where you meet more cool people.
I hope that you'll try it at least once, for me.

11:15 PM  

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