Herb, can you hear me?

I'm on a mission. Not a real one like Jason Bourne or Juarez, Mexico; a mission to open up Memphis to the 21st Century. Anyone that has taken an economics class knows that protecting your local businesses doesn't work in the long term - Memphis airline industry is a prime example. Northwest isn't even headquartered there, but because it's a hub, they'll protect it and not allow Southwest in. I stood in line to contest a ticket and talked with a local person about it, and it wasn't even worth explaining to him the long term advantages of strong competition and it's benefits to the consumer and local economy. After I drive to Jackson or Little Rock, I know my savings on the flight can be a little offset by the gas, parking, and time lost, but there's also the great feeling that I'm not getting ripped off. Memphis will learn someday. For now I'll keep doing whatever I can to show Southwest that it's worth it to look into going to Tunica, MS. Their casinos take all the Memphis people's money already, why not take some more?
I love Southwest! But Memphis is so frustratingly backwards...they don't know what they're missing.
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