My brother and I visited a traveling artsy thing in Memphis. It was hanging banners displaying different genres of quotes. The categories range from power, fun, relationships, money, politics, and more. I love quotes, and it was very interesting to see the different types of people from different time periods speaking to the same thing. It showed me two things:
1) There are consistencies in society that will never change
2) There are problems that will not go away unless we learn from the previous generations
It's a neat idea. They're filming a documentary to get peoples reactions. I don't expect to see my own face on film or anything, but it only takes one interesting thing to happen to make the film stand out. The creator of the project is the great-grandson of a famous Italian general (Garibaldi I think). It's become so cheap to film and edit movies; I think we're going to see more in depth coverage of things. It will probably be mostly things we don't care much about, but some things could be eye opening.
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They just finished the documentary, and it's premiering in March.
I think I might go.
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