the best

Usually when people say words like "best", or "greatest", it's mostly for opinion. Mine is the same way, but the people that can relate probably won't contest my claims. Two months ago, this world lost a person whom I regard as the best to walk the earth in my lifetime. My Grandmom lived life to it's fullest. I never heard her say a single negative thing, and she would be supportive in everything. I'm sure Hallmark has tried to create a "Grandmother's Day", but I think of her often on this first mother's day that Grandmom isn't here. I was attending a wedding the night she died. It wasn't hard for me to decide if I should attend or skip it because of her being sick, because she was very clear that she never wanted her being sick to hinder our lives in any way. I can't avoid thinking about her and missing her, but the only way to honor her is to constantly live my life to the fullest - hopefully as much as she did.
Happy Mother's Day Grandmom.
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