
My roommate is quite a character, I guess that's a requirement in the construction business because he brings back some great stories from his co-workers. One of them has a group of guys that frequent the same bar. It's about 6 guys and one girl, but the girl got pregnant, so now they need a new "co-pilot" to balance things out. They have specific requirements - here's what they thought would be a good application for their co-pilot position:
1.) Are you able to drink in large quantities?
2.) Are you able to bend over and pickup quarters? (No back problems) (Experience preferred but willing to train)
3.) Are you able to shoot pool? (Skill level not important)
4.) Do you have transportation? (Doesn’t necessarily have to run)
5.) Willing to travel? (Local bars only)
6.) Do you have small hands? (Preferred)
7.) Do you have a good personality?
8.) Must be able to talk shit. (No holding back)
9.) Do you have a cell phone?
Insert Number Please_______-_______-___________
10.) Know that we are very needed and must bat able to accommodate.
11.) Must be able to dress sexy.
12.) Must smell good (Body spray or perfume?)
13.) Have you ran the circuit with us in the last 6 months? If so, where and when?
14.) Please list any special training that you might think is helpful
15.) When would you be able to start?
16.) Name or Nickname? Place of birth? Please check one of the following…
Car, Truck, Back of Sizzler, Other
17.) Married, Single, Dating, or None of the Above
18.) Please provide 3 reasons why you are most suited for this position. (Please use reverse side if you need more room)
19.) Education – High School, College, Trade School….
Never Mind, Doesn’t Really Matter
Please leave your name and number in the comments section if you'd like to be considered. CHEERS!
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