It's no mystery that I like photography. It's definitely a part of my life, and something I get from my family. My grandmother once showed me what she called her "Wedding Album". It consisted of one poor quality 3x3 picture of her and my grandfather exiting the chapel. That was only about 70 years ago, a very short time in the grand scheme of things. Today I can take video with my cell phone!! It's hard to take too many pictures, but there is something to be said of the idea of not fully enjoying the moment because you're more concerned with capturing it. Digital has given us the ability to take as many photos as we like without sinking any cost into film and developing. I don't think my photos are as good as most because sometimes they are that one that turned out of the fifty I took. I might have the best picture from something because I was the only person who would think to bring a camera. You just never know.
Michelangelo once said, "If people only knew how hard I work to gain my mastery, it wouldn't seem so wonderful at all." For me, it's more like, if they knew how easy it was to take those photos, they surely wouldn't think it was that special.
Our lives are so well documented. In 20 years they will be using old Facebook profiles to find dirt on political candidates. I like the bumper sticker that says "one nation under surveillance" (I'm sure there's some uber conservative that thinks they're trying to take God out of that phrase, but that's a subject that needs it's own post). Bloggers have been credited with being the best journalists because they can post pictures of an event immediately. I don't know where things will end up, but it will be interesting to watch.